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Cowboy's Babysitter_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 5

  I straddle his cock and place his head at my opening.

  “Damn, you feel good,” he says as he watches me.

  “And I can’t wait to feel you,” I say.

  I move my body back and forth holding the top half of his shaft firmly in one hand with just the tip exposed which I’m using to please myself, and him at the same time.

  My other hand is on the bed bracing myself. If I brought it down to his cock it would cover the rest of his shaft…probably.

  I take a quick look down and realize my measurements are wrong. If I made two fists and placed them together at the ends it wouldn’t be as long as his dick. I couldn’t even hold him in both hands and I’m thinking I can fit everything he’s got inside me? This is going to be a long term project. Very, very long term.

  “This is killing me. I want to feel you,” he says. “I want to fuck you.”

  His dirty language causes a deep inhale and I slowly slide the head of his cock inside me, officially ending my virginity and beginning the next chapter in my life…one I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

  But first I have to see how much of him I can take.

  I flex my thighs and lift myself up feeling his cock slide along my walls causing my eyes to shut and my body to relax and tighten at the same time.

  I want more of him. Much more of him.

  I lower myself back down opening my eyes in time to see his pupils dilate as he focuses on me like a hungry wolf on the prairie and I’m his prey.

  “You have no idea how sexy you look right now.”

  “Nor do you,” I say.

  I put my hand up on my head, finding my hat instead, reminding myself of the fantasy I’m living out in real time.

  I slide my hips horizontally as I rise and lower myself up and down on him as I simulate riding him.

  “You. Feel. So. Perfect,” he says.

  “I just want to ride you forever,” I say.

  “You can’t,” he says, gritting his teeth. It appears he’s trying to hold back his orgasm.

  “Why can’t I?”

  “Because I absolutely need to do this.”

  He grabs me by the waist and spins me sideways sending my hat flying to the hay-covered floor. Half a second ago I was riding him now he’s on top moving his hips as he enters me. I feel his grip tighten on my skin and my sense of smell heightens, catching the scent of a man who’s fully focused on exerting his dominance over me.

  My hands fly back feeling for the pillow and my body does what it did earlier just before I climaxed.

  “I’m gonna…”

  His hips buck wildly and then he thrusts forward and holds it there before trying to slide in even deeper. I don’t know how he’s holding back as he’s only about half inside but half of him is a whole lot, more than enough.

  Then it happens. My body shudders and at that same moment I feel him fill me with his warm juices. My eyes open wide and my arms spasm as my body sucks up every last drop of his come trying it’s best to get me pregnant from the ultimate alpha. The sexy sons theory of mating is true. When the body and mind know you’re with a man who can provide the best offspring the body does whatever it can to do so.

  I feel my pussy contract trying to pull everything inside me so that not a single drop spills from me. But he finished so deep inside me there’s no way any of it’s coming out. Not now. Not ever.

  I feel the bed shake and watch as his body collapses next to mine.

  Just when I think he’s spent his arm shoots around me pulling me in close to him.

  “That was incredible. You were incredible. You are incredible,” he says.

  What an incredible, caring, and positive way to give myself away for the first time. That’s what was truly incredible to me.

  And the night is still young.



  Three days later

  The one thing you learn early living on a ranch where it’s often man versus wild is that nothing is promised. Tomorrow will come but you never know if you’ll be there to enjoy it.

  Now there’s one thing I know with absolute certainty. I want to enjoy tomorrow, and the day after, and each and every day after that with her. I promise.

  And that’s a promise I want to make to her.

  She already has me hook, line, and sinker, but the way we connected the other night…wow. She blew my mind, and according to her I more than blew hers.

  But I don’t just want that for the rest of my days. I need that for the rest of my days.

  And a real man knows what he wants and a real man is exactly what it takes to survive in these parts and it’s just what I am.

  And what I want is her. Her and only her forever.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already pregnant with our first child. The way my body shook and then exploded when I was inside her it almost seems like a foregone conclusion. We had sex, made love, and we most certainly mated. I hate to make it sound like we’re animals when I remember it, but it’s true.

  We were two hot animals doing everything they could to conceive.

  And I don’t want just one child with her. I want more. A lot more. To fill our house full of ‘em and then build on to accommodate even more of them. That’s how we’re gonna do it if I’ve got anything to say about it.

  But today I’m going to have my say in an entirely different way…inside the ring.

  I’m gonna show those broncs who’s the boss and walk out of here with a hundred thousand in seed money for the seed I put inside her.

  I wanted to win it for Mandy Sue, now I need to win it for two. Mandy Sue and her soon to be born brother. I know there’s a baby boy forming inside my woman now. I just know.

  My body tells me when it’s going to rain. The dogs tell me when a coyote or a predator is near our livestock. And something so deep inside my existence tells me she’s carrying my firstborn and words can’t express how happy and proud that makes me feel.

  I look up in the stands from the shoot. I’ve got my fist wrapped and it’s go time, but first one more look at my woman. The one I need to watch over and protect now and till the end of time.

  The door flies open and that bronc shoots out like it was loaded in a cannon.

  And then the unexpected. He twists when it’s completely normal for him to buck.

  I feel my weight shift sideways and I raise my hand trying to keep my balance.

  I’m not getting bucked. I can’t. I’m doing this for my family.

  I can hear the announcer’s voice quicken and I know what he’s thinking…no way I’m making it to eight seconds. Eight seconds is all I need. That’s a complete ride and I move on to the next round. And it’s also seconds from now.

  What seems like an eternity is only a second in here.

  The bronc bucks. My body goes sideways at the wrong angle.

  I dig in with my heels trying to keep my body from sliding off the side. I tighten my abdominals and try to flex, willing my body back into position as the bronc smells a victory. He knows a few sly moves and he’ll send me flying through the air and to a loss.

  But not him. Not now. Not today.

  I may be the biggest rider and that makes these broncs angriest, not to mention the disadvantage of my higher center of gravity, but I’ve got a new kind of gravity now. Her. She grounds me…in more ways than one.

  I do the meditation maneuver she recommended where I think my weight lower. A week ago I would have dismissed it out of hand as some new age nonsense but when she showed me back at the house it made sense.

  And it’s working!

  I get myself righted and back on top.

  I hold on as that bronc goes back left and right and then kicks his heels up high, but it’s no use.

  The horn sounds and I’ve got my eight seconds and I’m on to the next round.



  We’ve been here all day and Jed has made it to the final round.

  I was expecti
ng excitement and did I ever get excitement.

  I was expecting thrills and did I ever get those too.

  But what I underestimated was the fear. It’s so scary watching him out there…man versus beast.

  I know I want to be with him, but I wasn’t prepared for this. This must be what the wives of law enforcement, paramedic, and military members feel. This is beyond gut wrenching.

  More than once I had to turn my head and I almost lost my lunch at one point. Thankfully Mandy Sue is so young that she can’t process what’s happening. It doesn’t hurt that she’s enamored by all the bright lights and that she has on baby hearing protection which leaves her in her own little world…a world which has incredibly included a lot of sleeping today. She’s living proof of the saying that she could “sleep through a tornado.”

  And a tornado is exactly what this environment is. It’s designed to grab dreams and throw them to the turf…but thankfully not Jed’s. He’s just so determined and focused and I know why.

  Because he’s doing it for us.

  And by us I mean all of us.

  He’s already told me he knows I’m carrying his son and if I was logical I’d tell him he was crazy.

  But feeling tells me that he’s probably right. And as counterintuitive as it seems logic is telling me the same thing.

  My body has never felt like this before. It has to mean something, right? I’m not ready to go to the doctor only to have him tell me I’m crazy, but in another week or two that’s exactly where we’re headed. There and then the paint store to pick out the colors for our baby boy’s room.

  Jed’s so excited I’m surprised he hasn’t come flying off any of these broncs today before they even started bucking.

  And now there’s just one more to go.

  His competition in the final lasted seven seconds, so there’s hope. He’s just got to complete another full ride and he’s got it. As if it was that easy.

  But the window of opportunity is there and I know Jed’s got his entire heart into this.

  The only problem is so does Brutus, the biggest, baddest bronc in the entire Southwest United States. The one they flew in, yes flew in, for this very moment.

  And he’s all Jed’s. Or should I say Jed’s all his.

  I guess time will soon tell.

  And that time is now!

  The gate flies open I close my eyes, listening to the announcer.

  I take Mandy Sue’s hands and clap them together when he says, “I have no idea how he did that…how he’s still up and riding.”

  And then I open my eyes just as I see Jed’s butt come up off the bronc!

  I look over at the clock which is only on six.

  Oh no!

  Somehow his butt comes down in position and I see him dig in with the sides of his legs and holds on.

  And then the horn!

  Seconds later Jed comes running to the side of the ring where we’re seated…or where we were seated.

  I’m standing now and there’s a tear running down my eye.

  Jed jumps up and grabs the edge of the fence and pulls himself up and over and then puts his arm around me and Mandy Sue and kisses me right on the lips in front of everybody!

  “Now that’s a real champion!” one announcer says.

  “This is the best victory celebration I’ve ever seen in my forty-three years of announcing this competition,” the other says over the loudspeaker.

  The crowd cheers and starts a hooting and a hollering.

  Suddenly a man with a microphone appears out of nowhere, followed by a cameraman.

  The cameraman nods and the light on the camera comes to life signaling we’re live.

  “Now that’s a victory!” the announcer says.

  “What do you have to say about that Jed Cooper?”



  I can barely breathe as I try and catch my breath from that last ride.

  Brutus tried his best to buck me, but there was no way I was going to be denied. Not today.

  “What do I have to say about that?” I say, trying to buy myself some time to compose myself.

  “That’s right. You put together a day of riding like none we have ever seen. And just when we thought we saw it all you went and saved the best for last. And now we truly have seen it all.”

  “Seen it all?” I say. I take another breath. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  I grab the mic from that fella. “Cowboys are known to be cocky and confident, some more than others. Well, this morning I went out and bought something on credit…told the man at the store I’d be back in tomorrow to pay it off with some money I had coming in today. Is that confidence? Is that cocky? Is that crazy? It’s all three and it’s because I’m crazy about this young lady right here.”

  The crowd gasps and I see some women hug their men and tears roll down their cheeks.

  “She came into my world just a week ago and surprised the heck out of me. And then last night she taught me a secret that I used today to win this competition. And now…well…I got a secret of my own and it’s gonna surprise all of you.”

  I reach for Mandy Sue and the second she hands her off I’m down on one knee.

  “Beautiful, you came into my life and there isn’t any way I’m ever letting you leave now. You’re perfect for me,” I turn and look at Mandy Sue, “us, in every way. And you’re perfect for all the future bronc riding champions we’re going to have together. Meeting you has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. And today has been one of the best days of my life, but only you can guarantee it’s the best day of my life. And all it takes is one word. Will you marry me?”

  I slide my hands into my tight denim jeans and pull out the ring I’ve been riding with all day. The ring that got me through all those tough moments. It was like she was with me all day. She was there. Our future was there. And our future is now. It’s here. Waiting on her.

  I hold the ring out in the palm of my hand. There was no way I could fit the box in my pocket so my hand will have to do. And her hand in marriage is all I want.

  She looks at me and looks at that ring. Then she does it again. You could hear a pin drop in place that earlier this day broke the sound decibel record for an indoor stadium.

  “Yes!” she screams at the top of her lungs.

  The place absolutely erupts, but I don’t even notice. All I see is her and our future. One which I can’t wait to get started, and as I slide the ring on that beautiful finger of hers it’s official…I don’t have to wait anymore.

  She’s mine. Forever.

  “I love you,” she says.

  I stand up, carefully cradling Mandy Sue in one arm while I grab her with my other.

  “I love you,” I say.

  The announcer somehow grabbed the microphone back from me in the melee. I grab it back and yell into it.

  “I love this woman! I love her!”

  The crowd erupts again and I swear half of them start kissing again. A lot of records have been set here today, and now we’ve got another one…world’s largest make-out session.

  But I’m glad we inspired other people to love and hopefully we’ll help the rest to find their true love as I’ve found mine.

  Because I know once they do everything in this crazy world of ours will suddenly make sense.



  Two years later

  “I was watching that!” I say.

  I look up and see Laura’s got the remote control and she’s over on the couch with Mandy Sue. They’re laughing their pretty little head’s off over there thinking they could change the channel without me waking up.

  “But how can you see when your eyes are closed, pa?” Mandy Sue asks.

  She’s got a point, but I’m not going down that easy. “It was just a quick blink honey. Had some dust in there from working outside all day.”

  “Riiight,” Laura says. “The well-documented two minute blink, mouth open, about to snore telev
ision viewing position.”

  “I don’t snore. You know that.”