Cowboy's Babysitter_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 6
“But when you fall asleep you always make that grizzly bear sound with your mouth, pa,”
“Grizzly bear sound?” Laura says. “Is that what you two call it.”
“That’s what pa told me it was, ma. He said when he closes his eyes the grizzly bear inside gets its chance to talk for awhile.”
“Well, I’ll have to admit. I’ve never heard that one before.”
“Me either. And I’m glad Levi doesn’t notice.”
I look down at my chest and there is my little man. Levi is passed out right there on my chest like he is every night. I reach for his tiny hand and feel his heart beating. Wow, he’s a little guy, even at year and three months.
“Why does Levi sleep so much?” Mandy Sue asks.
“So he can grow up big and strong and be a bronc rider and protect you.”
“Oh. That’s good.”
“That’s very good,” I say.
I look back down at my first-born son and swell with pride. Laura’s pregnant again, but this time we’re going to wait to learn the sex. We knew Levi was going to be a boy so we had plenty of time to prepare for him. This time we’re going for the surprise route. That way we can see which way we like so we know whether to learn the sex or not…for the next five or ten we have.
Yep, there’s nothing more I want than this house, property, and neighborhood full of our kids. Running around at night catching fireflies in glass jars. Long summer days in the backyard swimming in the above ground swimming pool as we do it around here…even though that’s gonna change soon. I’ve got a buddy who’s giving me a deal on a great in-ground swimming pool. And of course all the laughter, kids events, and everything else that comes with being a dad. I can’t wait for my kids to get a little bigger and then we can really start to do stuff together.
But right now we’re still bonding, just like Levi is bonding to me. He knows he can always come over and lie on his old man’s chest and he’ll have a warm and comfy spot to sleep. And I’ll hold him tight so he’ll never forget I’m here for him. Just like I’m here for Mandy Sue and as I will be for all my kids.
That’s how we do it in West Texas. There’s nothing more important than family and as far as I’m concerned I’ve got the absolute best family in the world.
Twenty-five years later
I place my hands over my eyes. I can’t believe I’m back here all these years later for this event, but this time I’m surrounded by family. Last time it was just Mandy Sue with me.
But today we’re ten strong in the stands and number eleven is the one we’re all rooting for.
Levi is riding in the finals of the same bronc contest his father won over a quarter of a century ago.
Where has the time gone? I guess you don’t notice it when you’re having so much fun like we always have.
But we did notice the seat’s we’re in. It’s by design that we picked the exact same seats. I’m just glad my husband is here next to me this time and not out there. It helps a little when he holds my hand when Levi’s turn comes around but I can still barely watch. I just can’t imagine anything happening to our boy.
The gate shoots open and out comes Levi and some big, bad bronc. I squeeze my eyes shut and feel Jed’s grip tighten on mine.
“You gotta see this honey!” he says in my ear before turning towards the ring. “Come on, son! You can do it!”
I keep my left eye squeezed tight but open my right one.
A tear falls down it immediately.
Not because anything bad has happened to Levi. It’s not that at all.
He just looks so much like his father out there. The way he moves. His mannerisms. The way he waves that hand in the air to keep his balance. He’s the spiting image of his pa and just as handsome to boot.
But I still can’t watch.
I squeeze my eyes tight and try to count backwards from one hundred but am suddenly interrupted by a loud horn and arms wrapped around me from all sides.
“Mom! He won!”
I’ve got everything pulled in, my hands, arms, even my knees are raised up to my chest. I open my eyes and can’t even see because my entire family is in our Cooper Hug Position and I’m smack dab in the middle, just like I always am. Jed says that’s the way it has to be. He always tells the kids I’m the sun and we all rotate around mom. Without me our world goes cold and dark, but with me it’s happy, light, and full of nourishment and growth. At first I thought he meant nourishment in regards to the meals I make, and that was part of it, but he said the most important thing is how I nourish our kids self-esteem which helps them feel as good as they can about themselves. But when they’re feeling ten feet high and bulletproof Jed finds a nice way to remind them that we’re all human and it’s easy to get knocked down a peg. But he always does it in a way that challenges them to the point they can’t succeed…not right away at least. He takes the to the point of failure to keep them modest, but then helps them push through and get to feeling like they can do anything they set their minds to.
And they can. Because we’ll always be right here to support them.
And that’s what I need to do for Levi right now.
I jump up out of our little solar system hug and run for the railing. I throw my leg over and some rodeo cowboy comes running towards the wall.
“Ma’am. We haven’t got the area secure yet.”
Scared of a horse? The scariest thing in the entire animal kingdom is watching something or someone get in the way of a mother and her child, but I’m not about to say that outlaid.
“I’ll be okay,” I say as I drop down and feel the sawdust hit my feet.
I’m a little older now and maybe not quite as quick, but the adrenaline kicks in and I feel great even after jumping down from the wall.
And I feel even better when my son wraps me up in a hug and then lifts me high.
“Ladies and gentleman, your bronc riding champ…and his mother…Levi and Laura Cooper!”
The crowd erupts just like they did when Jed won. And just as amazing as that day and moment were when he won and then asked me to marry him, this day is equally as amazing.
There’s just nothing that puts more pride and happiness in my heart than seeing my child work hard for something and achieving it.
“All those night out back with your pa paid off,” I say into his ear after he lets my feet back down to the earth.
“And all that sacrifice you gave so us kids could do whatever we wanted.”
I never asked for a thank you and I did it because I loved them, but there’s just something about hearing my child say it that overwhelms me.
“I did it because I love you,” I say in-between tears.
Suddenly the announcer is right next to us sticking the microphone in our face.
“What an incredible family moment. Mrs. Cooper you’ve been quite the good luck charm out here over the years. First for your husband and then for your son.”
“I certainly remember the last time you interviewed me out here,” I say. The crowd erupts in a roar of laughter.
And that’s why I’ll never leave this place.
Most of these people were here years ago when Jed proposed. We’re a tight knit community come hell or high water.
But today it’s clear skies and happy faces.
“I remember it to.”
“And I remember all these people cheering for my husband back then and I want to thank them for that and I want to thank them all these years later for cheering for my son.”
The crowd cheers again and then begins chanting, “Laur-a…laur-a…laur-a.”
These are my friends. My neighbors. My family.
The best people in the world.
And the best of the best are my family.
“Ladies and gentleman, your champion, Levi Cooper!”
The announcer hands him the huge trophy which he takes with one hand and passes off to me. I try and balance the gigantic thing in one hand as he
takes my other hand and raises it to the sky.
He reaches for the mic with his other.
“We’ve got International Women’s Day. We’ve got Mother’s Day. But let’s not forget, every day is a reason to celebrate thanks to all the incredible things the women in our lives do for us each and every second of our lives…tirelessly and often without recognition.”
My son turns slowly addressing the entire crowd.
“Ladies, we know and we thank you!”
I didn’t think the crowd could cheer any louder.
“I was born small,” he says. “But my ma’am fed me and gave me extra love and told me some flowers just bloom a little later than others.” He pauses. “And she was right. I did.”
He pauses again and my waterworks begin again.
“I never thought I’d be up here like this today,” he continues. Suddenly a tear starts forming up in his eye and his jaw shakes. “But my mama…she said, just keep working at it son and you’ll get it.” He turns and looks at me. I’ve never seen him like this. “And…and…I did. We did,” he says putting his arms around me, the only thing in-between us is the trophy we worked so hard to achieve.
He turns back to the crowd.
“And I’ve got one more surprise. This was my last ride.”
The crowd gasps.
“Because my mama has worried about me enough. Worried about me trying to ride these crazy bucking broncs. But now I’m going after another kind of buck. The dollar. And with the dollars from my check today I’m putting down a payment on a retirement home in Santa Fe for my mama and papa.”
My jaw drops.
“But first, we’re all going to spend a little over at Walt’s Watering Hole…and everybody’s invited!”
A cheer erupts and everybody races for the exits.
I feel Jed’s arm come from the side and take the trophy from my arms, allowing Levi and I to hug properly.
I squeeze him tight and don’t let go…because nothing ever comes between me and my family.
Book 1: Baby Lust
Book 2: Veteran
Book 3: Built
Book 4: Bambino
Book 5: Rescued
Book 6: Leader
Book 7: Professor
Book 8: Burned
Book 9: Worldly
Book 10: Pistol
Book 11: Policed
Book 12: Driven
Book 13: Lucky 13
Book 14: Lumberjacked
Book 15: Protector
Book 16: Carpenter
Book 17: Italian Stallion
Book 18: Gardener
Book 19: Budapest Billionaire’s Virgin
Book 20: Billionaire’s Babysitter
Book 21: Cocky CFO
Book 22: Fireman’s Filthy 4th
Book 23: Mechanic
Book 24: SEAL’s Secret
Book 25: Police, Pooch, and Smooch
Book 26: Fireman’s Fake Fiancée
Book 27: Billionaire’s Virgin Ballerina
Book 28: Bitcoin Billionaire’s Babysitter
Book 29: Veterans Day Daddy
Book 30: Cowboy’s Christmas Carol
Book 31: Police Officer’s Princess
Book 32: Statham
Book 33: Bodyguard
Book 34: Greek God
Book 35: Billionaire Single Dad's Babysitter
Book 36: Mountain Man
Book 37: SEAL’s Justice
Book 38: Royal Romance
Book 39: Doctor Mountain Man’s Special Delivery
Book 40: Crocodile Dan D
Book 41: Mountain Man’s Secret Baby
Book 42: Doctor Bad Boy’s Secret Baby
Book 43: Cop’s Babysitter
Book 44: Nanny for the Cop Next Door
Book 45: Small Town SEAL’s Saving Grace
Book 46: Cop’s Fake Fiancée
Book 47: Billionaire’s Nanny
Book 48: Cowboy’s Babysitter