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Dad's Italian Mafia Boss Page 3
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Page 3
“Thank you, Linda,” he finally says. “Are you decent yet? Can I turn around now?”
I fumble slowly to right myself, pulling my red skirt down, and taking a minute to fetch, then re-button my shirt, looking at his reflection watching me.
“All done.” I say, playing along, a new thrill growing in me as I sense the incredible power of his own arousal behind me.
He moves back behind his desk, giving me a full moment to take in the hardness still showing at the front of his pants, a large damp patch glistens at the well-rounded tip. I bite my lip, then almost gasp as I realize that the pleats in the cut of his pants is all him. He takes his seat, giving a short smile while motioning me with one hand to take a seat, which I slide into, wanting him to slide into me more than ever.
“Mr. Leoni?” I ask, but he stops me with the same hand.
“Daniel, please.”
“Daniel,” I say dreamily. “Were you really going to use that?” I ask, looking at the razor next to the remainder of his heavy tumbler of scotch, which he’s drained in one gulp.
“I can see now,” he says thoughtfully, picking up the sodden wad of cash and admiring the sheen on it, “that won’t be necessary. You seem to have a fairly, tidy arrangement.”
I do keep it smooth down there, and flush at the thought of him having seen everything I wanted him to.
I want to laugh, but he’s grown serious again, I feel more confused than ever, and have so much I want to talk about, but his vibe is so strong, so powerful, I have no choice but to sit and listen.
“You’re playing a very dangerous game, Linda. I’m not sure you realize how dangerous it really is for you right now.” He frowns, and takes a moment to consider his cigar, cold and gray at the end now, which he takes up and re-kindles with a heavy gold and crystal lighter from bedside the matching ashtray.
I want to speak, but stop myself. I know now’s the time to listen. Although things haven’t gone exactly to plan, I know he’s at least interested, that’s for sure.
Maybe he just likes to watch?
Maybe he really doesn’t dig curves after all…Nah. I could see him creaming in his pants, I just have to wait and see what the rest of my cunning plan delivers.
Daniel. Eeee! I can’t believe he wants me to call him Daniel!
What the fuck was that? What the fuck just happened?
If there’s such a thing as fucking a girl without touching her, then unloading like you’ve never done before, all without actually coming?…That. I just had a huge helping of that.
Jesus Mary and Joseph! I need another drink. No! I can’t let Carlo see me like this. I need to calm the fuck down.
I know she’s done, I can see she’s done! My god, I’ve never been so turned on in all my life and it takes every ounce of my restraint not to touch her, plus the image of her father threatening to shoot my dick off in my mind. It’s the only thing stopping me from executing free carpet burn rides in my office with this girl. She’s superb. She’s just so perfect.
I have to make her mine. She is mine, Fuck it! I am the boss!
Tony’s gonna be a problem though. The only problem by the looks.
Umm…Tony’s just been given to the Murphy’s, remember? Tony doesn’t have to come home right away, now does he?
A panty load of sticky bills doesn’t lie. I think she’s up for it!
“Daniel? Mr. Leoni?”
“Yeah!” I bellow out, way too loud for my inside voice.
“You were saying...?” Her eyes almost concerned, huge discs of silver blue, windows to the most beautiful soul I’ve ever met.
Slowly, I come back to earth. The cigar smoke helps, and although it takes a few minutes, my raging hard on simmers down to a sweaty stump, still slick from what feels like a quart of pre-come in my pants.
“I was saying, Linda…that I want you to explain, without mentioning any of the Murphy clan, exactly what your plan was. Is… Just tell me what the hell you think you’re up to dammit.”
I puff angrily, vexed that something as stunningly simple as a girl in my office should turn my whole world upside down in the space of a few minutes. I’m Daniel Fucking Leoni. Not some balding halfwit never-was who saves for a month just to be blown by a ten dollar crack whore. I can have any woman, anything I fucking want!
So why am I so edgy? Why do I feel like wrapping her in a blanket and tucking her away, keeping her safe from the whole world forever. Keeping her safe, from my world.
And there they are. The tears of an angel, right here in my office.
Are you happy now, tough guy? You made her cry.
Jesus Christ.
“I just thought if we…if I could do something to make you notice me, make you see I wasn’t just some kid or dumb blonde, that you’d actually take an interest in me…” she blubbers, holding back at first, but her post-climax emotions run wild, and soon enough, she’s gushing.
I never did do emotions well, and crying is one thing I won’t have. Not in my office. Not anywhere.
“Now! C’mon Linda, take it easy,” I croon, sliding a heavy tissue dispenser to her side of the desk. “I told you to tell me what’s going on, not to ruin your face with all those tears. C’mon. You wanna drink? I’ll get us a drink.”
Jesus Christ almighty. This is why you don’t do chicks, remember?
And don’t make her cry again, you bastard!
“Carlo! Two scotches! Bring the decanter in here, dammit!” A half minute later, Linda’s dry again, and I’m wondering if the whole day isn’t just going to hell. Carlo’s the best, and makes scarce without even flinching.
“That better?” I offer, filling my glass for the third time today. A small sip, and that’s me done. I can feel the lid put on all this nonsense.
Can’t I?
“Now! You were telling me…without mentioning any other names, how or what it was you exactly thought you’d achieve by…” I encourage her with my hands and raised brows. I’m not even mad, I’m just dying to know now.
“I’m sorry. I was just saying. Me and… It was something we… I came up with. That I could exchange dad, just for a while, for some information about…about… another family’s plans and their plans for the Casino business…”
My ears prick up, I lean forward. That magic word, Casino has my attention. “Go on,” I say firmly.
“It’s not a real kidnapping, we just wanted to give that impression to Mr.… Can I say Mr. Murphy?” I twitch a nod, impatiently.
“I deliver dad, as a hostage…a certain… Murphy takes the credit for that and gains credibility with their own father, I get a foot in the door to meet you…and…well…then we arrange to get him back, my dad…and you think it’s such a wonderful plan, that we got all that information about their Casino plans…that you…”
She’s sniffing again, and I shoot back into my chair, the air wheezing out of the leather in time with my own disbelief.
I don’t think I can live through another rendition of what’s quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, but I take my chance at translating it.
“You fake kidnapped your own father, handing him to a Murphy in exchange for inside information on their proposed Casino plans?”
“That’s a better way of putting it, yeah.” She sniffs, sitting up a little straighter and instantly looking her age.
“How old are you, Linda?” I ask suddenly.
“Twenty One.” She says, looking slightly confused.
I feel my dick shift again, then wince as I consider the prospect of me having to deal with her Father, Tony, let alone relay to him the sheer genius of his daughters ‘plans’ which might see him in Irish boots at the bottom of the bay yet.
Shaking my head briskly, I puff my cheeks and blow out some air as I think about what to do next. Bodies in trunks, an IRS audit, even a federal raid, they’re all way easier to handle than this.
“Are you mad?” s
he asks, pouting naturally, feeling foolish at having heard her own plan spoken aloud to a real world, underworld figure. A guy who does this stuff for a living, has done since before she was…
Holy shit, I’m crazy about her. I couldn’t care less how dumb it sounds. I want to spend the rest of my life with this crazy girl, I want to fill her so full of Leoni seed, she’s dropping Leoni babies like apples in an orchard.
“No, I’m not mad,” I lie.
I’m fucking insane!
“But, I do have to ask, which is the part where we get the casino information, and a straight handover of your father in return?”
She perks up instantly. “Oh! I have the plans for their casinos right here!” she squeals, producing a flash drive from nowhere, then growing depressed again when she adds, “I kinda thought you might have some ideas about how we’d actually get dad back…once Shaun Murphy had hold of him. Apparently Connor didn’t expect Mr. Murphy to be so mad either…” she trails off.
“Does Shaun Murphy know you have those plans, Connor’s Father?” I ask sharply, my eyes darting to the flash drive, then to her face.
“Nope. Connor said-”
My hand goes up. I can feel my face changing color, my anger overing take me.
My eyes narrow to slits, and my hands turns to a fists, “I know I just said that name… but… don’t tell me about Connor Murphy…okay.” I snarl, then work hard to soften my face again.
I can’t stay mad at her though, Hell! I have to hand it to her, she’s got balls. I had no idea the Murphy’s were even dreaming about a stake in the casino game.
Problem really is her Father, on two fronts.
Maybe Tony Ferrari isn’t coming home after all.
And if he does, there’ll be hell to pay.
As if on cue, Carlo interrupts via the intercom again. It had to happen, and I’m glad I got at least some of the details before I have to deal with him personally.
“Sorry Mr. Leoni. Shaun Murphy. Line one. It’s urgent.”
Draining the scotch I was ignoring, I stab the flashing light with my finger and take the call.
“Mr. Murphy. I was just about to call you. Yes! I really was! …uh huh… Well… if you could just stop shouting for a minute, I might…”
I shoot Linda another of my short burst smiles. No teeth showing, just crimped lips as I let the earpiece out an inch, saving myself from Murphy’s tirade of abuse at point blank range.
My god but she’s beautiful. I just hope she’s worth it.
Definitely a keeper though, Sorry Tony.
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
My perfect plan is about to backfire, and I don’t know if Daniel can even get my dad back. I should’ve finger fucked myself stupid before coming up with such a half-baked idea. I’ve been star struck with itchy cunt syndrome when it comes to Daniel Leoni, failing to see that there’s more sides to this whole plan than a Rubik’s mirror ball. Connor certainly didn’t help, the flash drive, sure. The details of the rest of our plan? Not.
If I only had my phone, I could text Connor and find out what was really happening…I couldn’t get in to see Mr. Leoni, Daniel with a cell though. Nothing that beeps or can fire live rounds is allowed within a hundred feet of his personal space.
He is handling it well though. I don’t know what we were thinking when we cooked this up, and I do feel terrible for Pop. I hope they look out for him, Connor promised me they would…
Daniel looks so handsome when he’s serious. There’s a dimple, or is it a scar? Just below his left eye. It kind of creases when he’s frowning.
Daniel waves his hand in front of my face, grabbing my attention as he’s speaking on the phone. He presses a finger to his lips, and I nod in the affirmative, keeping extra quiet as he puts Murphy on speaker.
“…I can appreciate that Mr. Leoni, but when I find out one of the Murphy crew has been in cahoots with a Leoni? I tend to want to handle things my own way. I’m only callin’ to give you the courtesy of an explanation, before we take things to the next level. If you catch my meanin’.”
I feel the color drain from my face.
“Mr. Murphy, Shaun. I really can appreciate everything you’re telling me, I really do. I’d feel exactly the same, given the unusual situation. But, we’ve all been young once. I know I’ve done plenty I would do different if I had my time over. How about we just let it go, just this once, huh? I apologize, even publicly if you want. Send you a nice, heavy briefcase by way of compensation…and we can get on with the business of being grown up, adult businessmen. How about that?”
Silence. I can hear Murphy breathing, a match being struck.
Daniel is deadpan again. He’s so good at that. But I also know it’s when he’s at his most serious.
“How much is your boy worth Leoni?” Murphy finally drawls. “I smell fuckin’ horseshite when a stinkin’ wop cunt like yerself drops a sick man in me lap, then plays the innocent fucking saint, offering to make it all better with a bag of dirty fawckin’ money!”
Daniel brings a wad of bills from his desk to his nose, closes his eyes and breathes in deeply.
“Not dirty Shaun. A little soiled, granted…but not dirty.”
I jump as Daniels fist hits the table. He’s obviously reached his limit with this guy.
“Look Irish! I’ve got a hundred K in front of me, I can send someone to collect Tony Ferrari, safe and well from you in twenty minutes. Straight swap, no fucking questions. Or! Do you want to spend the rest of your short fucking life looking over your shoulder, wondering when the Leoni fucking shit cloud is going to rain down on you, your family, every bloody paddy fucking prick you’ve ever spoken to and start mailing them back to you in tiny cellophane fucking bags!”
More silence.
“Five hundred. Thousand. Somewhere public. Three hours. I’ll call you with the where.”
The line goes dead.
“You’ll get him back, won’t you?” I ask, fighting hard not to cry again. I’ve since vowed not to cry in front of Daniel again. I need to be stronger than that if I’m going to be his woman.
I’m assuming that’s what I am now? Daniel Leoni’s woman?
It seems surreal to even think it. But I certainly hope that’s what I am now.
Nearly three hours have passed, and I’ve been allowed to leave the room only once, to pee. Daniel handed over the flash drive to Carlo, and went out of the room for a good couple of hours, before returning.
I’m worried sick about my dad.
“I won’t lie Linda. You poked a bear by doing what you did. I can’t say for sure how this will end,” he says gravely, sitting opposite me on the big couch near the fireplace.
As if reading my mind, he moves over a little closer, taking my face into one of his big hands, he lifts it up to meet his. He leans in close, so close I can smell the freshness of his cologne and feel his pulse beat faster through his thumb as it rests on my chin.
“I can tell you one thing though, you’re not going anywhere. Not out of my sight, not for one minute without me knowing where you are, okay?”
I nod, letting the smallness of my hand join his as I squeeze it tighter, leaning in closer, opening my lips ready to press them against his. It feels like the most natural thing in the world, but I’m still shaking I’m so nervous.
“Were you really going to give yourself to me before on my desk, bending over, just like that?” he asks, showing me my favorite crease in his cheek.
“Not just like that,” I whisper hoarsely. “I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.”
Our faces are so close, he moves in just enough to catch my lower lip with both of his, stroking my face with a single finger of his hand, wiping the tear that trails down my cheek.
“You’re mine now Linda, and when I get back, I’m going to show you what it’s like to be looked after, as Daniel Leoni woman.”
Without kis
sing me, he stands up to go. I know how much trouble I’ve caused him, and can only trust that he shares the same feelings I have, threatening to burst from my heart at any moment.
“Daniel!” I cry, catching him just before he leaves. I want to tell him that I’ve never been with a man before, and that being with him will be the single most amazing gift he could give me. I want to tell him to be careful and that I’ll be here waiting for him. Most of all, I want to tell him I love him. More than anything, even more than my own family.
He pauses casually, “I know”, he says pressing a smile for me, before he closes the door and I sink back into the couch, numb from the shock of what must be, what I know has to be, true love.
I’m breaking my own rules, my own promise I just made, to never let her out of my sight.
Without me knowing where you are… were my exact words.
She’ll be fine, it’s only for a few hours, and Carlo is one of my best men. If things get out of hand, he’s the man to bring them under control in my absence, and I know I can trust him with her.
Carlo’s brother, Franco is driving me to the pre-designated meeting place. A shitty bar and grill near one of the docks we run. Carlo is my man for around the house help, his big brother, Franco is my personal bodyguard when I leave it. They look identical, except Franco is a hundred pounds heavier, pure gristle and has reflexes that stop trouble before it even happens. He makes me look small by comparison. Almost.
Shaun Murphy sounded a lot less antsy when he called with the drop and collect point, almost apologetic. I don’t mind, I overreacted to his bullshit in the first place. I just need to get this little bleed tied off, then back to what I really care about. Linda.
The sports bag at my feet. No time for Mr. Murphy’s briefcase gift after all, but it’s what’s inside it that interests him. It raised the brows of Carlo, who acts as banker on collection day, but I know it’s a small price to pay to get Tony Ferrari back, and Linda into my arms for good.